Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Slower Week...

Last week was a different kind of week.
We had Monday off and then we went on campus for the next four days.
But the focus was more on team unity, and I think God agreed with that.
He definitely made it so that the team would be where our focus and energy would go.
Of course, the enemy took notice, and also decided that team unity is where he would work.
We had a pretty intense share of little conflicts, bits of strife, petty dissentions within the group, every one of which God guided us through! It was glorious, and I know for a fact that we are a ton closer to each other and to God because of what happened last week.

In terms of on campus ministry, no one came to Christ on our two campuses, and all five of us had VERY few chances to share the Gospel. But we had great times of following up with our new believers (ex: Kouhei and I got to read through some more of the Bible last week too!). Kasumi and Christina got to meet, along with a staffer from JCCC. We also focused a lot on our discipleship relationships within the whole project team. So we were all enriched by our Father's love through our relationships with each other, and through great times in the Word individually. The week's theme was "He is our Father." Our attitude definitely reflected it.

Of course, it wasn't an easy week. Like I said, Satan hated our unity focus, and we got so attacked and discouraged by little conflicts. But after the week was over, we went to church on Sunday and the words of the main song sung by the Gospel Choir were "Make us one, Lord... Let your love flow so the world will know we are one in You." :) God definitely wanted our unity week. "By this all men will know..." I know that students have been touched by our Christ-centered love for each other.


Unknown said...

wow buddy, sounds intense over there.

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