Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thy word...

Sunday, we had our weekly campus team leaders lunch meeting with Greg and Megan. This week we did it at Little Spoon (our favorite little curry house), where they have like seven levels of spicy- the first three (bunny, boy and dog) are free (the dog is PRETTY spicy). Then it gets ridiculous with bears and such until the last level which is a dragon. Greg dared Steve to try the dragon, and challenged him by offering to pay for the meal if he finished it. Of course, Steve being Steve, took him up on the challenge. "That's pretty spicy..." "Breathing hurts" a couple of the things he said during his meal.

He was allowed to give me and Beau a bite each, and WOW it burned! But ridiculous Steve didn't let himself feel the spiciness through the meal and just PLOWED through it! It was ridiculous. I have to say, I was pretty impressed. His eyes DID get watery though... haha.

Church was GREAT as usual. One of the girls Sarah got to lead to Christ at Sophia University (Nami) came with her non-believing friend, and Nami has just been bringing friend after friend to talk with Sarah and co to hear about Jesus. She is SO our woman at the well! It's so exciting!

Sunday night was our weekly team debrief meeting, so the seventeen of us went over to the Mitaka Center for an evening of worship, Bible study, clearing the air, and briefing for the new week. This week is our most intense week- we start everything an hour earlier, we're on campus one hour more than usual, and we are strongly focused on taking steps of faith in spreading the Gospel. It was scary but really exciting to pray about it individually and as a team that night. Anyway, we were done with what was planned, but Greg and the band got up there and started playing again so we ended up having another impromptu worship service for a good 45 minutes or so. It was amazing!

Monday was a very special day for me. We went about our day, starting an hour earlier, having some quiet time on campus individually, getting together for lunch evangelism, and then splitting into pairs-ish. Well, at 215 it was time for me to switch partners from Cherie to Christina, so I went to meet Christina. We were debriefing a bit about what had happened up to that point in the day, because great things happened (Christina got to share the Gospel with 2 or 3 girls, and Cherie and I got to share the Gospel with two girls too). Well, the whole day I'd had Kohei on my mind, thinking, "Man, I introduce this guy to Jesus, he accepts Him, and then I don't contact him. Weaksauce! I better email/call him tonight!" But then Kohei ran right into us right there where we were sitting! So Christina left us alone to have some quality time, and it was awesome! I got to talk to him about his decision a bit, and then we pulled out our Bibles (Christina had given him one Friday prior) and read together! We pretty much ran through Matthew, reading a couple of Christ's sermons, reading about his disciples, then the betrayal and crucifixion, and finished with the resurrection. I moved on to tell him about the different epistles and I explained Revelation to him, showing him different verses at each book. He LOVED it! He asked questions, responded a lot, and just soaked it all in. It was my first Bible study that I'd ever had with a brand-new believer... it was pretty exciting! You really sometimes have to see the Bible from the perspective of a new believer to see just how beautiful the Word of God is.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path


Lindy Lois said...

GEN! I read that Tokyo is the largest city in the WORLD! wowwwww!! and i thought, "that's a lot of people... i'm glad gen is there to be with them." and, everyone else on the team too. yay you!

Unknown said...

i enjoy reading this blog because it is encouraging. continue doing what you do in tokyo and i'll continue praying for you. see you back at school.

<3, nerf.